Decision - information - flow of information

The flow of information is important to ensure an efficient way of working.

Especially decisions and informations should be available on a need to know bases, e.g. for the management or dedicated groups.

Nothing is less anoying if I missed the latest decision and I worked 5 days in the wrong direction.

On top of knowing the latest decisions it would be perfect if I could benefit from the experiences and information of my team.

mywebTODO offers a free online collaboration plattform to share decisions and information in projects and teams.

CREATE a PROJECT and invite team members, e.g. managers.

CREATE a DECISION, describe it briefly and set a validity date.

The DECISION can be edited if needed.

Every team member can follow up the decisions of the last team meetings.

It is fun working if you have all the information you need.

Howto share information in projects and teams

Necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, timely and secure:

Make sure that information you are sharing is necessary for the purpose for which you are sharing it,

is shared only with those people who need to know it,

is precise and accurate as well as up-to-date,

is shared promptly,

and is shared securely.

With all the good advice, please be aware of the fact that personel information must not shared in blogs.

With this in mind your info will be appreciated.

addvertise at mywebTODO