Bug reporting and issue tracking

Bug reporting and issue tracking is needed to verify a software efficiently.

Especially in teams it is essential to do bug reporting based on a free online tool.

This will provide the same level of information to all of you.

mywebTODO offers a free online collaboration plattform to perform bug reporting and issue tracking efficiently.

CREATE a PROJECT and invite team members.

CREATE an issue (TODO), describe the bug briefly and name a performer.

By adding NOTES to the issue the performer can document its efforts and work as well as the results.

By setting the status all other team members are informed about the progress.

Every bug can be approved by the initator. It can also be set back to status "directed".

Howto write a bug report

Everyone writing software will probably face useless bug reports. "Not working."

Basically when reporting a bug you should enable the programmer to see the program failing in front of him.

Nowadays you can easily record a small video of the sequence that leads to the error.

Or just make a set of screenshots showing the steps and results.

With this you can precisely describe the facts step by step.

Do stay with the facts and mention conclusions explicitly. We do not want to misguide anyone.

Be sure. Your help will be appriciated.

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